Photography Assignment #2

1. Name and e-mail. Blog address. Please take a "selfie" and include it on your blog. 
- Name: Eunsol Kang
- e-mail:
- Blog address:

2. What’s your major? What year will you graduate?

- Visual Communication Design
- I will graduate in 2020

3. Why did you choose a photography class (or photography as a major), and what do you hope to learn from school in general and this class specifically? 
- I thought photography class would be more helpful for my design major to learn photography because it is part of the design. 

4. What are your goals after graduation? Please list your goals in reverse order, starting five years out, then three, two, one, and six months. 
- After five year: While working for a company, I will study more about fashion design and enter a big company.
- After three year: I will work for a fashion design company.
- After two year: After graduating from graduate school, I will look for interns or jobs and get a job in the company.
- After one year: Learn about fashion design professionally in graduated school.
-After six month: After graduating from college, I will go to graduate school to learn fashion design.

5. What artists, musicians, photographers, writers, movies, books have influenced you/your work? 

- Korean famous Hanbok designer Lee Young Hee influenced me a lot. Even though she is a Korean, she is a world-renowned designer among fashion designers.
6. Where do you get information about current national and international events? 
- Usually, I got lot of imformation about current national and interational events in SNS like Facebook, Youtube or Instagram. It gets as much information as many people around the world use.

7. Are there any important websites that you are referencing for art/photo competitions and/or information? What websites do you regularly visit? What TV programs?
- I have no idea about this question.

8. What museums and/or galleries have you been to in the past year? 

- I really like going to an art exhibition alone. I have never been to an gallery in the United States, but when I was in Korea I often went to art gallery. I went Nick Knight's photo exhibition, Van Gogh Exhibition, Architecture Design Museum etc... in Seol, Korea.

9. Have you had any photo projects and/ or training in the past? 
- I had taken a photography class at a university in Korea last year.

10. What is the value of art for the artist? 
-I think the vale of art for the artist is satisfaction of the artist. Because, it is their own choice of artist. Also it is important to make money with art, but I think the most important thing is satisfaction of oneself for artist.

11. What is the value of art for the audience? 
- I think the value of art for the audience is understanding.

12. Is photography a vocation or an avocation? 

- I think photography is a vocation. Because, many jobs are in society nowadays. Photography is also a profession. 

13. What is your passion?
- I have a passion for my major.

14.What are you afraid of? What makes you uncomfortable? 

- I am afraid of people's gaze. I care much about what other people think of me and their gaze makes me uncomfortable.

15. Do you have a passport?

-Yes I have.

16. Why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to learn from it?

- I sign up for photography classes because I thought this class would help my major. I want to learn Photoshop skill form this class.

17. Name three people who have influenced you and tell me how and why.
- Hyojoo Yang: She is best friend in Korea. I met her 10 years ago. She had a lot of influence on me as my best friend. She was beside me whenever I had a hard time and gave me a lot of strength.
- Jihwa Yoo: She is my mother. I am really friendly with my mom like friend. I got lots of good influence from my mother.
- Yuna Kim: She is a world famous figure skater from Korea. I read her autobiography and thought a lot. She won the gold medal at the Olympics with only effort.

18. Name three books (four, if one is the Bible) that have been important in your development. How have they influenced you? 
 - I decided to die one year after my twenty-ninth birthday.
- Things that make me in me
- Like a flowing river
All three books are autobiographies. These books are books written by writers who have had a hard life to give hope to people. I have been thinking about me again from these books and I was afraid when I started something new, but I tried to not to be afraid when I read these books.
