Photography Assignment #10

Due Chau Represented Artist

Prior to relocating to the States in '81, Du Chau was raised in Vietnam. He studied medical sciences and still works in the field of pathology, but now has also accrued his Bachelor's and Master's of Fine Art at the New York State College of Ceramics. Now he follows both passions by moonlighting at Brookhaven College, guiding eager young artists.
While "Inch by Inch (to Laura Potter)" merges that lab sterility with warm ceramics, it stands firmly as an ode to his dear friend, and fellow artist Laura Potter. "Inch by Inch," explained Chau "is how Laura Potter made her art." He describes the miraculous detail, tedious if not so crushingly perfect, that she paid to every portion of her paintings. Towards the end of her struggle with her heart condition she could not complete her pieces without aid, so Chau lent his fingertips to her projects. Together, they worked until the end.
According to Chau, Potter wasn't a showy woman. She didn't make art to be known. In fact, she rarely attended openings or showed her work at all, and because of that Chau worries that the world will never know the woman who created spectacular watercolors and played the piano so beautifully. He's also concerned that those who do know her, might forget her.
"Inch by Inch (To Laura Potter)" is an effort to keep her airy grace alive and moving, and for Chau that means that it will never be finished. An "infinite piece" he calls it; one that will continually be extended -- more piano wire, more porcelain rose stems. Roses, after all, were her favorite flower.

  First New Year
  2015, porcelain, wire, dimensions variable, series of 105

 First Chapter
  2015, porcelain, self-hardening clay, wire

  Last Rain
   2015, porcelain, music wire, epoxy resin

   2015, porcelain, dimensions variable

Our Cancer
2015, Porcelain, wire, dimensions variable
